How does the hair unit stay in place?
A latex-free bonding agent specifically designed for this service is use on the scalp to securely attach the unit.
How do I prepare for the service?
If you have the ability to grow hair on the perimeter of your head to result in a more natural looking end result, the only preparation required is growing your existing hair out as much as possible. This will support the blend of your hair with the unit. if you are unable to grow hair you can also be accommodated
How long do the units last?
Dependent upon the style of unit requested and the user care maintenance, Units have a life span from 1 week -4 months.
Scalp exposure units need to be completely replaced every 1-3 weeks.
Sweat resistant units with recommended maintenance care have a lifespan of 4 months being removed and reinstalled on a 3-week rotation. Refer to price list for reinstall prices
Can I receive shape -up, fade or hair cut with the hair unit?
Yes, you can receive a follow up haircut, shape up or fade after the has been installed until the unit is ready to be removed.
How much does the unit cost?
Units starting price is 250 and vary dependent upon style request.
Is an in-person consultation or required?
Both Virtual and in person consultations are available at a cost of. $25.00 reference for how to prepare for a consultation via in house or virtual