How To prepare for your consultation
Step 1. provide two-three photos of your desired style.
(submitted photos should reflect your)
Desired Texture
Desired color
Desired Length
Desired style for service
Step 2.Submitted photos are to be taken in a well-lit area, with a clear depiction of any compromised areas of hair thinning, loss or baldness to support the virtual consultation needs. .
During your consultation your natural hair will need to be free of any extensions, twists and or braids. If not, prior to your consultation provide a current picture of your hair submitted via email to Hairgiciansalon@gmail.com
Step 3. Schedule an in-house or virtual consultation at TheHairgician.com/booking
Consultation fee is $35.00
Step 4.At the completion of your consultation a quote and appointment date will be provided for you.
We look forward to your visit