Micro Shading
Micro Shading/3D/Ombre Brows are the most popular technique on the market, where a powdery filled brow similar to the look of make-up is created. The tails of the brow are darker, and fade into a light fade at the start of the brow of your choosing that is completely water and smudge proof appearing very natural. Truly "woke up like this" glam.
Time of service- Application time from start to finish is estimated 2-2.5 hours​
Cost of Service $399.00
AfterCare- A 6 week touch up is often required after application and is scheduled at the time of application (Touch up cost is $150)
Life Expectancy - Brow Life varies from skin type to skin type, a multitude of confounding variables determine brow life expextancy, however brows typically last 16-24 months.